CSS config

The CSS config adds the required configurations files and configuration for Stylelint. By default it also enables the stylelint-config-recommended(https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint-config-recommended) and stylelint-a11y(https://github.com/YozhikM/stylelint-a11y) Stylelint extensions.

To add the CSS config to your project, add the following to package.json

"calavera": {
    "css": true


This adds the following files to the root of your project:

  • .stylelintrc
  • .stylelintignore


  "extends": [
  "rules": {
    "max-nesting-depth": 2,
    "declaration-no-important": true,
    "font-weight-notation": "named-where-possible"


By default files inside css/libs will be ignored.


Dev dependencies

CSS config adds the following devDependencies:

  • stylelint
  • stylelint-a11y
  • stylelint-config-recommended

Calavera will output the command you need to run to install the above dependencies inside your project.